Saturday, October 2, 2010


Husband is at the pharmacy picking up one of the prescription medications that he takes every day.  We have insurance, but as most of us know, medication is still expensive.  In honor of more money leaving the bank account this morning, here is an article I found for us with a few tips on how to save money on prescriptions.

Save Money on Medications

One of the biggest tips is to get generic if possible.  One of Husband's medications is generic and it's SO much cheaper than the medication he takes that doesn't come in generic form.


  1. Don't forget to check which pharmacy is running a "transfer" or "new prescription" deal. You can get gift cards that way.

  2. if you take more than one medication at a time, though, it is wise to use one pharmacy for everything. a good pharmacy will watch for drug interactions that your doctor may not notice, especially if you go to more than one like my husband does.
