Thursday, September 2, 2010

how low can you go?

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick

Jack go under Limbo stick!!
No, we're not talking about limbo.  We're talking about groceries.  Not quite as fun, unless you're seeing some deep savings. 
One way you can start saving money is by tracking prices on items you use a lot.  How often do you notice what you are paying for your favorite brand of laundry soap or peanut butter?  Do you know what the best price is on your favorite snack or the foods you pack for lunch?  Like everything else, start simple.  Get a spiral notebook or maybe a small pocket notebook and start tracking the prices on items you buy the most.  I tried this a couple years ago and tried to track EVERYTHING I bought, and I soon realized that is a bad idea.  It's hard to keep up with when you've got so many items, and you get bogged down.  So choose five or ten items, however many you are comfortable with, and start tracking the prices you see from week to week.  Sales tend to go in 12 week cycles, so by the end of that time, you'll have probably noticed the prices of your items fluctuate, and you'll find them at the lowest point.  Now that you know how low you can go, watch for those deep sales to come around again.  And buy extra.  I don't necessarily recommend having a room the size of a child's bedroom filled with your extras, but maybe you can buy enough to last you a few weeks, and maybe even enough until it gets to that deep sale again.  I have an average size plastic Rubbermade tote that has some extras in it -- extra toothpaste, mouthwash, laundry detergent.  I got those things at very low prices, so I don't have to run out and buy one at full price when I need a new tube of Crest. 
Buy something at full price if you need it right then, but make it a goal of yours to be able to buy at least a few of your most common items at those good sale prices.  $.99 mouthwash instead of $6.00 mouthwash and $.25 deodorant makes for some extra cash to be spent elsewhere.
It's Thursday, so I need to get off here and start planning my shopping trip for Saturday.  I got a CVS coupon in my email today that I plan to make very good use of!

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