Generally for us,a trip to HEB takes anywhere from $60 - $100 out of the bank account each week. This week, it was actually $55.00 after a few coupons. Even though I feel I do very well shopping at the drug stores, I haven't mastered shopping the grocery stores yet. I've decided that I am going to try to make my shopping trip next weekend $50 or less. And I would like to make that a fairly consistent number.
I am going to use the website $5 Dinners for some inspiration.
I am thinking of changing up what I purchase to both add some variety to the menu and to find some cheaper alternatives to what we already get. I will let you know about how my grocery trip goes next Saturday.
I've also started considering going to Sam's Club for paper goods (toilet paper and the like) and possibly bulk meat. Do any of you use Sam's Club? Since there are only two of us in my house, I am undecided about paying for the membership. We don't have a lot of space to stock up, so I will have to be selective about my bulk shopping choices.
One last thing, it was pointed out to me that one of the readers couldn't comment because she didn't have an account. I changed the settings so anyone should be able to comment. It won't show up right away, though, because I have set it for moderated comments, just in case.
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