Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Hi!  Thanks for dropping in!  I hope that reading this post is the beginning, or the continuation, of your learning how to make your money work a little harder than it has been. 

What are we going to do here?

My goals are to teach you where to find coupons and the rules to using them.  Couponing comes with its own set of guidelines and lingo.  Also I want to learn how different stores use coupons because they can all be different.  Some double, some even triple, some don't.  Some have loyalty cards, and some have shoppers' cards that let you upload coupons to them so you don't have to clip.  There are even coupons that help you save money for your kids' college!!

Another thing I would like to do is to help each other find money-saving ideas that go a little beyond cutting out your expensive Starbucks habit. 

My biggest goal is for this to be a place where we can talk to each other and learn from each other.  I'm still learning myself, and I've realized that for all the couponing websites there are, I've not found many that are devoted to teaching you how to use coupons.  There are plenty out there that list deal after deal, which is wonderful and useful, but I think some of us need this teaching blog as well.

So let's get to it!!

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